Interim Progress Report: Provision Mapping in Post Primary Schools Pilot Initiative 2021-2022

In September 2021, an initiative aimed at supporting strategic and whole-school development of inclusive and special education commenced across thirty-three ETB post primary schools. This nationwide pilot was developed initially by Mary Immaculate College in collaboration with Limerick and Clare ETB. This interim report captures feedback from participating Directors of Schools, Principals of pilot schools and Inclusion Coaches at the end of the first academic year and mid-way through the project, with a view to informing the next stage of the pilot in Autumn 2022.

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Up to 500,000 students across the country will be given access to new supports through the FET Skills Box that will help raise awareness around the diverse career choices and learning routes available to them, through further education and training (FET).

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Thomond Park Hosts ETB Week Celebrations

Learners of all ages, cultures, religions, and backgrounds will be celebrated across Ireland this week, as Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) kicks off it’s national ‘ETB Week’.

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ETBI welcomes the launch of the ALTITUDE Charter

As a National Collaborator in the Project, ETBI welcomes the launch of ALTITUDE – the National Charter for Universal Design in Tertiary Education, kickstarting a national conversation about how the sector can adopt the Charter and over time, work towards embedding a universal design approach.

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