ETB Ethos

ETB schools are state, co-educational, multi-denominational schools underpinned by the core values of:
- Excellence in Education
- Care
- Equality
- Community and
- Respect.
ETBI Patrons’ Framework on Ethos
The ETBI Patrons’ Framework on Ethos/Creat Phátrúin BOOÉ maidir le hÉiteas has been developed by Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) and
Dublin City University (DCU) in conjunction with Ireland’s 16 Education and Training Boards (ETBs) and ETB schools, primary and post-primary. The Framework aims to describe what an ETB school is, locally and nationally by providing:
- ETB school communities and other relevant stakeholders with a common understanding of the ethos of the ETB school sector
- practical guidance to ETB schools on how the ethos can be lived out on a day-to-day basis
- a decision-making Framework for ETB school leaders and Boards of Management
ETBs as Patrons
Education and Training Boards (ETBs) are currently patrons of 252 Community Colleges and 27 Community National Schools. ETBs are also the largest provider of education through the medium of Irish with 47 of the ETB post-primary schools being either Gaelcholáistí or Coláistí and with one Scoil Ghaeltachta at primary level. In 1998, ETBs were automatically deemed ‘patrons’ of the schools they managed for the purposes of the Education Act. This Act outlines the role of the patron as the body that establishes the school. The patron also appoints the Board of Management of the school and determines the ethos or characteristic spirit of the school. ETBs have a long-established history of providing high quality and inclusive education opportunities for the communities they serve. In many communities, schools under the patronage of ETBs have become the school of choice and are known for their academic excellence, while at the same time maintaining an ethic of care and respect for all students.